Livro Swoon

Sin is coming... Prepare to Swoon. Torn from her native New York City and dumped in the land of cookie-cutter preps, Candice is resigned to accept her posh, dull fate.

Nothing ever happens in Swoon, Connecticut...until Dice's perfect, privileged cousin Penelope nearly dies in a fall from an old tree, and her spirit intertwines with that of a ghost. His name?

Sinclair Youngblood Powers. His mission? Revenge. And while Pen is oblivious to the possession, Dice is all too aware of Sin. She's intensely drawn to him but not at all crazy about the havoc he's wreaking.

Determined to exorcise the demon, Dice accidentally sets Sin loose, gives him flesh, makes him formidable. Now she must destroy an even more potent and irresistible adversary, before the whole town succumbs to Sin's will.

Only trouble is, she's in love with him. What do you do when the boy of your dreams is too bad to be true? "Sexy and deeply seductive...Swoon will make your every sense tingle!" --Melissa de la Cruz, bestselling author of the "Blue Bloods "series A captivatingly unique story of first love.

Nina Malkin s smart, vivid writing is a breath of fresh air. Simply unforgettable . . . "Swoon "will haunt you. --Lara Adrian, bestselling author of the Midnight Breed series ""Swoon" is (forgive the pun) divinely swoon-worthy.

Fast, sexy, clever--fans of "Twilight" have a new heroine to root for. I couldn't put it down!" --Karen Marie Moning, bestselling author of the Highlander and Fever series "A spine-tingling collision of past and present, revenge and justice, lust and rage.

True love has never been so truly terrifying." --Robin Wasserman, author of the Seven Deadly Sins series and "Skinned ""

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EditoraSimon Pulse
ISBN1416998012 9781416998013
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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