Livro Taking Charge of Your Fertility Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement

THE GROUNDBREAKING BESTSELLERNOW UPDATED AND REVISEDAre you unhappy with your current method of birth control? Or are you demoralized by your quest to have a baby? Do you also experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycle, but are frustrated by a lack of simple explanations?This invaluable resource will help you find the answer to your questions while giving you amazing insights into your own body.Taking Charge of Your Fertility has helped literally hundreds of thousands of women achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy naturally, or simply gain better control of their health and lives.

This book thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method, which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devicesmaximize your chances of conception before you see a doctor, or expedite your fertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to pregnancy achievementincrease the likelihood of choosing the gender of your babygain control of your sexual and gynecological healthThis expanded new edition includes:a revolutionary new, fully intuitive charting systemnumerous new master charts, including separate ones for birth control, pregnancy achievement, and menopausethe latest on fertility conditions and high-tech treatmentscomprehensive tables that clearly summarize fertility-related drugs and procedures

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EditoraHarperCollins Publishers
ISBN0060394064 9780060394066
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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