Livro Thankless in Death

In the latest suspense thriller in the #1" New York Times" bestselling series, the deepest hatreds seethe within the closest relationships, and blood flows faster than water Lieutenant Eve Dallas has plenty to be grateful for, especially Roarke s big Irish family, which is a joyful improvement on her own dark childhood.

Other couples aren t as lucky. The Reinholds, for example, are lying in their home stabbed and bludgeoned almost beyond recognition. Those who knew them are stunned and heartbroken by the evidence that they were murdered by their own son.

Turns out that twenty-six-year-old Jerry is not only capable of brutality but has taking a liking to it. With the money he s stolen from his parents and a long list of grievances, he intends to finally make his mark on the world.

Eve and her team already know the who, how, and why of this murder. What they need to pinpoint is where Jerry s going to strike next."

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EditoraBerkley Books
ISBN051515413X 9780515154139
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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