Livro The Murmurings

***The 1st Ely Stone novel*** Ely Stone returns to the wilds of upper Michigan from the military. A jaded and wounded warrior, he accepts a job as his tribe's special agent and sets off to trouble-shoot the ominous Muskcrat Island.

He finds love in the form of a beautiful girl, but things only go badly from there. Chinese agents, an old Russian spy and secretive U.S. Air Force operatives are all after something on the island; and the former Coast Guardsman is right in the way.

Ely escapes death, but, at the end of his tribal mission, he finally hears the "The Murmurings" and must not only face the fact that he is more deeply Indian than he ever realized, but also...that there's something more terrifying about that island...

than anything he's ever experienced in war. And that 'some-thing'... came to rest... smack-dab in the middle of Indian country.

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EditoraBlade Edge Press
ISBN0615261426 9780615261423
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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