Livro The Odds

In the new novel from the author of "Last Night at the Lobster," a middle-age couple goes all in for love at a Niagara Falls casino Lokk out for "City of Secrets" coming from Viking on April 26, 2016 Stewart O'Nan's thirteenth novel is another wildly original, bittersweet gem like his celebrated "Last Night at the Lobster." Valentine's weekend, Art and Marion Fowler flee their Cleveland suburb for Niagara Falls, desperate to recoup their losses.

Jobless, with their home approaching foreclosure and their marriage on the brink of collapse, Art and Marion liquidate their savings account and book a bridal suite at the Falls' ritziest casino for a second honeymoon.

While they sightsee like tourists during the day, at night they risk it all at the roulette wheel to fix their finances-and save their marriage. A tender yet honest exploration of faith, forgiveness and last chances, "The Odds" is a reminder that love, like life, is always a gamble."

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EditoraPenguin Books
ISBN0143122274 9780143122272
FormatoCapa comum
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