Livro The Way of the Wombat: Quest for Gray Ironbark

Which way would you follow? When Laz, a young wombat, goes from playing a game with his friend, Kita, in their idyllic tribal village to witnessing the nightmare of a Tasmanian devil attack, he reacts in the only way he can: he fights back.

He accidentally kills a devil while trying to save his sister, but his sister is still taken captive. To make matters worse, the tribal elders banish Laz, Kita and Zeeg-the three youths who fought back-for failing to follow the way of the wombat.

Frustrated and adrift, the three friends embark on a quest through red rocky deserts and deep eucalyptus jungles to discover their own way. With a cheerful koala warrior as a guide and a wise platypus as their trainer, they hope to survive long enough to find a legendary weapon that could save their tribe and Laz's sister from the devils.

But danger lurks around every tree...

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EditoraWhombatz, LLC
ISBN0692345183 9780692345184
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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