Livro Ultimate Guide to Cat Breeds: A Useful Means of Identifying the Cat Breeds of the World and How to Care for Them

Cats have been domesticated since prehistoric times, perhaps for as long as 5,000 years. Throughout human history, they have been greatly valued as destroyers of vermin, as well as for their ornamental qualities.The domestic cat is related to lions, tigers, pumas and other wild cats and the similarity in looks and behaviour is immediately apparent."The Ultimate Guide to Cat Breeds"" "has a lot of rich information about the most well known cat breeds in the world, such as Persian, Maine Coon, Siamese, Abyssinian, Russian Blue, Tonkinese, and Burmese.Cats, both wild and domestic, are presented in this beautiful full-color book featuring hundreds of facts about your favorite felines.

It was probably the Ancient Egyptians, 5,000 years ago, who first recognized the value of cats - encouraging the animals into their homes and grain stores to keep rats and mice at bay.

It did not take long for the rest of mankind to fall for the charms of the cat, and cats have been part of our lives almost continuously ever since.

In addition to being quiet, clean and efficient hunters of vermin, cats have proved to be playful, intelligent and affectionate companions, too. "The Ultimate Guide to Cat Breeds"" "describes the origins and characteristics of the cat, its evolution from wild animal to perfect pet, and at the same time places it in its historical and cultural contexts.

The book then goes on to provide valuable advice and guidance about all aspects of cat ownership and care, including choosing a cat and keeping it healthy. All major breeds recognized by the international cat fancies are featured, with information on temperament and special grooming requirements to help the would-be owner choose the ideal cat companion.

The book is illustrated with over 400 color photographs.

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EditoraChartwell Books
ISBN0785834400 9780785834403
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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