Livro Upon a Clay Tablet, the Definitive Guide to Healing with Homeostatic Clay, Volume I

Upon a Clay Tablet is the definitive guide to using therapeutic clay, and represents a lifetime of both practical experience and scientific inquiry. Volume I comprises a two book set designed as an introduction to healing clays.

Book 1 includes a book of short stories and correspondences. Book 2 is an exploration into clay therapeutics, and provides extensive information on some of the best healing clays in the world, and the some of wonderful people who have learned how to use them.

Book two also includes a section of some of the most convincing scientific studies ever conducted designed to document some of the therapeutic properties of healing clay. "Never again will mankind lose the ancient and profound art of healing with the living earth," notes Jason, who founded Eytons' Earth to preserve the knowledge of clay therapy and to freely provide this knowledge for the benefit of the people of the world.

"This is an art form that should always remain in the hands of the people and be used for the people." Upon a Clay Tablet teaches a return to origins, a return to the land itself, and explores the use of water, earth and sunshine as the most powerful substances in nature to support vital health.

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EditoraJason R Eaton
ISBN0615329373 9780615329376
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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