Livro Voyager

From the author of the breathtaking bestsellers "Outlander" and "Dragonfly in Amber," the extraordinary saga continues.Their passionate encounter happened long ago by whatever measurement ClaireRandall took. Two decades before, she had traveled back in time and into thearms of a gallant eighteenth-century Scot named Jamie Fraser.

Then shereturned to her own century to bear his child, believing him dead in the tragicbattle of Culloden. Yet his memory has never lessened its hold on her... andher body still cries out for him in her dreams.Then Claire discovers that Jamie survived.

Torn between returning to him andstaying with their daughter in her own era, Claire must choose her destiny.And as time and space come full circle, she must find the courage to face thepassion and pain awaiting her...the deadly intrigues raging in a dividedScotland...

and the daring voyage into the dark unknown that can reunite--orforever doom--her timeless love."Triumphant ...her use of historical detail and a truly adult love storyconfirm Gabaldon as a superior writer."-- "Publishers Weekly"

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EditoraDell Publishing Company
ISBN0440217563 9780440217565
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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