Livro Caterina

Having survived scandal and the disdain of many a society lady and gentleman in years past, Caterina is now the mistress of her household, and the talented artist behind a successful series of cartoons.

But her hard-won independence is far from secure. The political turmoil following Napoleon's invasion of Portugal in 1807 has left a vacuum of power and a dangerous climate for liberal freethinkers like Caterina.

When her son Lewis joins in the political fray, Caterina is drawn in as well--and while painting the portrait of a powerful political figure, she embarks on a dangerous new career.

She must summon all of her strong will and courage to survive the spinning tornado of political intrigue and lies this time--and to face a past she thought she had left behind forever.

As always, Jane Aiken Hodge blends fact with fiction seamlessly to tell a dramatic tale of love and war.

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EditoraSt. Martin's Press
ISBN0312205074 9780312205072
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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